What do you do prior to construction?

Image of Team of engineers working on drawings

In construction, almost every project presents special requirements. However, the methodology rarely changes. We recommend the below steps to be followed prior to construction. The guideline below is taken from our training manual.

Pre-Construction Plan

Project Analysis & Studies

  • Initially we study and analyze all factors of the project segmenting it into different phases to ensure that proper understanding takes place. This enables us to do better planning and to provide more accurate time-management.

Site Investigation

  • At this stage, we arrange a site visit to the work location. Our manager and the project engineer attend a meeting and a site survey with the contract representative to clarify any points in a job explanation meeting.

Temporary Structures

  • The preparation of a temporary facilities takes place to avoid hazardous situations and ensure that the work shall be implemented accurately. This includes fencing requirements, site offices, restrooms, shoring, temporary power and lighting, and other requirements.

Equipment Requirements

  • A clear plan is set to define the required equipment relative to the application; careful specifications are selected for each job.

Manpower Requirements

  • A manpower plan is set up to ensure that all required personnel are enlisted for the project and supporting third party personnel allocated if necessary.

Time Management & Work Schedules

  • To ensure proper management and implementation of the project takes place, we utilize a computer-based project management (CPM) system. Gantt charts are utilized to display a clear time-line for every phase and task involved. This enable us to provide accurate time estimates and provides a better control on the project until completion.

Cost Estimation & Bidding

  • Utilizing the data collected with the previous six steps, we evaluate the project and estimate the complete costs involved and the time-line required.
  • A proposal is then drafted and submitted to the client in form of a formal proposal or a sealed-bid whichever applies.

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